More Writing Tips

  Hello! I know I haven't posted in a while. As in like 4 MONTHS. I'm so sorry. I've missed you so much. I am going to post more because this is my artsy blog and I need to work some more on helping you guys tap into your inner creative self! Right now I'm going to do writing tips and I will have some more drawing tutorials coming soon. My newest tutorials will be on drawing Queen Anne's Lace and drawing a churro kawaii style! I will also have some thanksgiving stuff although it might be after Thanksgiving. Who knows...

So, I hope you all are writing a lot. It's so much fun! If not then don't worry because I have some more tips coming your way!

1. If you are having a tough time thinking of some characters, then pick a friend and choose them as your main character! It is so fun to think of what your friends would do if they were in the scenario you're putting them in for the story. 

2. Pick a holiday and then make the message of the book to show the true meaning of the holiday. For example, if you pick thanksgiving you could make the main character ungrateful and then in the story show the transformation of their heart as they learn what it mean to truly be grateful. 

3. Keep a notebook. I have a tough time remembering where I am in a story if I write it on the computer then go in a notebook but it's ok! Just write ideas you have for your story and then you can add it when you get the chance. You want to make your story good!

4. Write a scene that is a memory of yours. It could be going to a carnival or maybe a happy moment with your siblings. 

5. Write in pen. This is a tip I heard from a writer. This is a really handy tip to use because pen is harder to erase than pencil. Sometimes, ideas we think are dumb at the time turn out to be really interesting plots. 

I hope you grow in your writing. You can change the world for the better by writing a good book. So, go work on that book! 
