4 Tips On Making Friends

 Do you wish that you could make some real true friends? If so then I hope these tips will help you make some friends because being lonely is terrible. I also want to mention that these tips aren't going to automatically get you friends. Most of the time friendship requires effort on your part. I know that that can be discouraging when you just want friends already! But I want you to use these tips to help you on your journey of making friends.    

#1 Do activities that interest you. This is a great way to meet people! It's also so fun to have friends who share your interests. I love being able to spend time with friends and doing things that we both enjoy. 

#2  Talk to the lonely person. I'm sure that you have heard this before but it's really important: be the friend you want to have. If there's a lonely person then go and talk to them. I'm sure a lot of people need to work on this including me. I try to be kind to lonely people. It's hard for me to go over to someone sitting on their own when I have my own friends but I will do it and I will continue to do it. 

#3 Walk up to someone and introduce yourself. I know I know it seems to scary but hey, it's an option and you can make friends like that. 

#4 This is the most important tip. Ready? Pray. Asking God for help helps lol. 

I hope you guys will use these tips to make friends. Look out for my post coming soon called: Conversation starters for meeting new people. 
