The Hobbit Ch 2 and 3

The Hobbit Chapter Two and Chapter Three were so fun to read. 

Also sorry for the white highlight, I have no idea how to change it.

As Bilbo set off on his journey with the dwarves he had his cloak on and he couldn’t be mistaken for a dwarf because he had no beard! I thought that was funny but I also thought what was even funnier was how when the Trolls asked Bilbo I there was anymore of him it only took a second for Bilbo to say, “Yes! Yes! Lots!” Then he realized that he probably shouldn’t have told a bunch of hungry trolls who were sick of eating mutton and would probably enjoy a nice treat of dwarf so Bilbo said, “No! None! Not at all!” But it was too late. Honestly that’s probably what I would do if I had three trolls looking down at me like that. Once the rolls caught the dwarves and Gandalf started to rile them up, I thought that the trolls were just like my two younger sisters. Always fighting at the smallest things 😂 

As for chapter 3, I was so excited to finally meet the elves! Elves are my favorite. I thought it was funny how one elf said, “Bilbo the hobbit on a pony, my dear! Isn’t it delicious!” I thought that was so funny, what an interesting choice of words. 

I thought that moon letters were really cool, and the name is beautiful even though it is simple.

Again, I think that Tolkien is so inspirational, the way he writes is beautiful, “The next morning was a midsummers morning as fair and fresh as could be dreamt.” 

I hope you all enjoyed reading these chapters and have a nice week! 


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