Some Of My Favorite Things from Chapter One of The Hobbit By J.R.R Tolkien

 Greeting fellow Hobbit lovers. Today I'm going to be sharing some of my favorite parts of the first chapter of The Hobbit. I hope you guys are loving it so far because it really is an amazing book. It's so fascinating and fun. The writing is enjoyable, and Tolkien is such an amazing writer.

         The first chapter was so interesting to read as we were introduced to Bilbo, the dwarfs, and Gandalf. I love how Bilbo wasn't interested in going on an adventure but somehow, he still did. There are so many fun and interesting parts in the first chapter that I don't think I could tell of all of them.  In the beginning when Bilbo meets Gandalf, he accidentally almost says that life used to be so interesting. You can tell that he had a part of him which was thrilled by what Gandalf would do. I would really love to see Gandalf's cool fireworks that the folks at the Shire loved. The fourth of July would be very fun with those fireworks I'm sure although they would probably scare people. 

        Bilbo loves food as do all the hobbits. We actually have a food sign in our kitchen that tells us of all the hobbit meals of the day. I love food too, but I don't know how they could eat all the food they do. I would gain a lot of weight from eating that much. That's probably why they are described as being a little plump around the stomach.  


        Bilbo is such a lovable character. When he gets so startled and shrieks, I laugh every time. I admire the way that the Tookish side of Bilbo comes out when he hears Gloin doubting his ability to be a good burglar. Sometimes I feel as though a Tookish side of me comes out. Like one time I heard about a camp that would be fun but I was a bit nervous because I had never done a camp like that before but a braver (or Tookish) side of me came out and I decided to do it. It was actually very enjoyable. I think we could all benefit from doing something that makes us nervous. Being brave is not necessarily about not being afraid but of trying things that we are nervous of.  Do you think that Bilbo will be happy that he went on the adventure?

        I feel bad for Bilbo because he had to wash all the dishes left over from the night before. I know how not very fun it is to have to wash a ton of dishes. When Gandalf got him and told him he should hurry up and come and Bilbo had to hurry away I thought, "He left his breakfast, and it'll rot." Gross. 

        I also think of the way that Jesus' disciples left what they were doing to follow him. It's similar to the way that Bilbo left what he was doing to go with the dwarves. 

        I find it amusing when Gandalf is talking and Bilbo says "Hear, Hear." He was agreeing with Gandalf, and he had not meant to say that aloud, but the dwarves wanted to know what he meant by "Hear, Hear. He was so embarrassed by that, so he said, "Hear what I've got to say." That would have been embarrassing for me, so I feel for him.

       Another part that amuses me is when Bilbo meets Gandalf, it is morning and Bilbo greets him by saying "Good morning. Gandalf asks, "What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?" "All of them at once" said Bilbo. Then later when Bilbo wants Gandalf to leave, he says "Good morning" again. "What a lot of things you use good morning for!" said Gandalf. "Now you mean that you want to get rid of me, and that it won't be good till I move off." It's funny how many uses people can find of words. 

        When the dwarves come to Bilbo's house he is confused and worried about how many more there are to come. I feel sorry for the poor hobbit. I would be very confused if some random people come to my door and act as though they should be there. 

        The Hobbit is a great read and I hope you are excited to read the next two chapters. In two weeks, I will have a new post on the next two chapters. Make sure to read them before you read my new post on it. 



  1. Yeah I wish I could eat like a hobbit too 😭😮‍💨

  2. Seriously. Like think of all the things you could have in a day.


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