Plot Twist Ideas

 Are you writing a book but don't know what to do?!? Ugh I hate when that happens, so here are some plot twist ideas to get you started again, these could even be used as prompts if one inspires you.

1: The Antagonist turns out to be the Protagonists best friend or someone in their family.

2: The Protagonist turns out to really be the Antagonist and the Antagonist is actually the Protagonist.

3: The person the Protagonist trusts most turns out to not be so trustful after all.

4: The Protagonist starts to fall in love with the Antagonist.

5: "What do you mean this isn't real?"

6: "What do you mean I only exist in this book?"

7: Have someone who the Protagonist used to know show up in the story. Will this be good or bad for the Protag?

8: An item or a person goes missing.

9: A character starts acting out of character 

10: Someone dies.

11: Have a character get sick.

12: Have a character suddenly leave without a trace.

13: Reveal a new power in a character.

Hope this helped! Happy writing!


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