How To Draw a Kawaii Mochi

   Today I'm going to show you how to draw a kawaii mochi.

Mochi are these little balls with filling inside. They're similar to dumplings except they are pretty colors. I've had a mochi with ice cream inside. It was delicious. The outside of mochi is doughy and the mochi look like blobs so I thought that they would be adorable to make into kawaii creations. So, let's get started! 


   fine tipped pens

   colored pencils

    paper or a sketchbook

    a pencil (HB is fine)

    Excitement for creating a super cute character.

The first thing I did was start with a sort of arc. 

Next, I completed the body by adding a line at the bottom that was like a long u. 

  Now that we have the body let's make it super cute! I put a smile and sort of upside-down u's for the eyes. 


   Now let's add some color. I used purple for the body and pink for the tongue. 

  I hope that you had a fun time drawing a kawaii mochi with me. If you have any kawaii things that you would like me to draw and post a how-to on it, then tell me in the comments below. 


