10 Story ideas

   When you sit down to write, do you stare blankly at the sheet of paper in front of you? Well, I hope that the ideas in this post will help you out. I'm not trying to show off or anything, but when I sit down to start a story, I always have ideas. I realize that some people aren't like that, so I thought, why not help them out? So that's what I'm going to do.  

  #1 A person gets lost in the woods.

#2 A young girl suddenly shows up at the protagonist's house. 

#3 The protagonist is a noodle.

#4 A writer writes a story and all the characters come to life. 

#5 A person playing video games gets sucked into the game. 

#6 The protagonist is an animal.

#7 The protagonist falls off of a ship and has to find a way back to the ship. 

#8 The protagonist dreams of becoming a famous artist. They make a drawing so beautiful that people love it and the person gains fame but realizes that fame isn't actually that great.  

#9 The protagonist discovers that their parents are actually famous singers. 

#10 The protagonist lives in a rainforest and finds out that the trees are suddenly dying, and the animals are suddenly leaving.

I hope you guys use these ideas and make an amazing story. Have fun. Let me know in the comments which idea is your favorite. 

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