There's Hope

 Are you looking forward to Christmas? You may feel like Christmas is the best time of year or you may feel like Christmas is really hard for you. I recently had a family member who experienced the loss of two people close to them. So close to Christmas. If you have experienced similar or are just feeling sad, then I encourage you to look to Jesus. He's the one who came to earth for us. He died for us so that we could be close to him. He paid the price so that we could live with him if we chose him. 

        We celebrate Jesus' birthday on Christmas. The birthday of the one who loved us so much. He came to earth to experience what it's like to be us and he came as God's rescue plan. It says in John 3:16: For God so loved the word that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. On Christmas I remember how he came as a baby to a couple who weren't a king and queen but ordinary people, chosen to raise the son of God. That's something worth celebrating. 

        You have hope in Jesus, so even in the moments when you wonder if you are loved or wonder if you are even noticed you know that he cares about you. He's there for you. He wants to wrap his arms around you and hold you. Will you let him? Will you choose to follow him? Will you love him back? Those simple questions can impact your entire life.  

        The creator of the rose thinks you are the most beautiful creation. The creator of the stars wants you to have a relationship with him. That creator is God. He loves you so much. He wants you to live forever with him. 

        I encourage you to read the Bible. I recommend starting with the book of Luke. You have hope. Hold on to that hope always. Don't languish in hopelessness. 
