How To Write Good and Inspiring Stories

  Writing good stories is such an important thing. The world needs people who write to encourage and inspire others. I have some tips on writing good stories. 

        My first tip is to never have your readers thinking that being disrespectful is fine. You can have a character who disrespectful as long as it is portrayed as wrong. If I have an unkind character, then I will have them eventually realize that that behavior was wrong. 

        Second, write with description. Most of the time description makes a story more beautiful. When you describe a beautiful nature scene it can inspire people to go outside and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. 

        My third tip is to use good vocabulary. Writing with good vocabulary challenges you to use words that you might not normally use. It also teaches the readers new and more challenging words.

        My fourth tip is to write a clean story, so no bad words! You'll get a better audience if you're using good language. 

        My fifth tip is to write a story that is interesting while still being good. I love when stories are pure but still interesting. Lots of people like stories that are good and pure while being an entertaining read. 

        I hope that these tips will help you to make a great story that will be praiseworthy and great. I hope you write an amazing book. 

