Step by Step How To Draw a Sunflower

   Hello. Today I'm going to show you how to draw a Sunflower. 

Sunflowers are so bright and beautiful. They are so easy to draw, and, in the end, you have a lovely flower. I like using micron pens so that's what I'll be using. 

0.5 Micron pen
Paper or Sketchbook 
Colored Pencils (I like using Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils)


First you have to draw a circle in the middle. In that circle draw a bunch of small circles.  You'll want to draw the dots on the circle too. You don't want your circles too small, or it'll take you longer to finish it. 

Next, you're going to add the petals. You'll want to make them thin. You can just keep adding rows of petals until you feel like it looks nice.  I like making the first row of petals larger than the other rows. 
You're almost done! now you can add thin lines to it. Adding these lines helps make it look more realistic and most of the time it makes it look better. You don't have to add the lines if you think that it looks nicer without them. 
Now you can add color to it if you want to. 
Now let's draw the stem. The stem can be left off the flower.
First, just draw a stem.  

Next put some thin lines on it. 

You can color it in if you would like to. If you are using the Prismacolor colored pencils, then I recommend using the grass green color. It's what I used. 
        Next, you can add some leaves. I drew five leaves, but you can draw as many as you want to. 

You're done! I hope you liked drawing a Sunflower with me. If you liked this or any other posts, please let me know in the comments. Have fun drawing!
